General Conditions of Contract
The Ruta de la Cera website (hereinafter, the “Site”) is an e-commerce website accessible via the internet, at the address and open to any user of the network (hereinafter the “User”)
The owner of the website is Ruta de la Cera S.L., registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona F14-T45844-B500760 I. 1ª (hereinafter, the “Seller”), provided with NIF B66957648, registered office at C/ Cerdanya Nave 7 PI. La Borda, 08140, Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona, email and contact telephone numbers +34 936 883 107 / 621 288 809.
1- Object and acceptance of the general conditions.
The general contracting conditions of Ruta de la Cera S.L., together with the particular conditions that may be determined, regulate the conditions applicable to any electronic contracting process of the user with respect to the products and services that Ruta de la Cera S.L. offers through its website and client.
The term of validity of the general contracting conditions is their display on the website, provided that they are fully accessible to users, with Ruta de la Cera S.L. reserving the right to modify them totally or partially, without prior notice. The modification and update of the legal texts may be agreed at any time in other documents such as the particular conditions and in the legal texts displayed on the website. The new conditions will be applicable from the moment they are posted on the website and are again accessible to users. It is the responsibility of the user to consult the general conditions that are in force and, therefore, are applicable at all times. Therefore, access to the website once the general conditions have been modified implies acceptance of the new conditions by the User.
It is necessary and mandatory for the user to accept the general conditions in force at the time of the corresponding contract, it is not possible to contract our products and services without the user’s prior acceptance of the legal texts.
In addition to reading these general conditions before accessing and browsing our website, the user must have read the Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy, all of which are available on our website.
If the User does not agree with any general condition, he must abstain and must not use the website. Once the user uses the Web page and/or requests the acquisition of a product or service, he/she consents to these General Conditions.
Likewise, as a prior step to the acquisition of a product or service from our website and, prior to payment, you must identify yourself. Once identified and authenticated, the user can proceed to hire or purchase any service or product. Any acquisition made in this way is valid and binding, making the user responsible for the use of his username and password by any third party through our website.
The purchase of products or services through the Web by minors and users who do not meet the requirements of legal capacity or those established in these General Conditions is expressly prohibited. Wax Route S.L. understands that the purchase or acquisition of any product and, in application of the principle of commercial good faith, is done under the supervision of their parents, legal representatives and/or guardians. If there is no supervision of the parent, legal representative or guardian, in any case, the contract, once executed, may be declared null due to lack of consent, with those responsible for the minor being obliged to respond and compensate the damages caused to Ruta. de la Cera S.L.
Access to the website is free and free. The Site allows the User to browse freely through the different pages of the Site without compromising him in the face of a possible request for the services described therein. The site allows the Seller to propose the sale of certain services as a suggestion to the Users who browse it.
The visit to the eCommerce site by the user must be done responsibly and in accordance with current legislation, good faith, these Conditions and respecting the intellectual and industrial property rights owned by Ruta de la Cera S.L., or any other natural or legal persons.
The use of any of the contents of the website for purposes that are or could be illegal is totally prohibited, as well as the performance of any action that causes or may cause damage or alterations of any kind not consented to by Ruta de la Cera S.L. eCommerce site or its contents.
For the application of these conditions, it is agreed that the User and the Seller will be jointly called the “Parties” and individually the “Party”, and that the User who has confirmed an order will be called “Buyer”.
The website and the products and services offered by Ruta de la Cera S.L., are aimed at adults with sufficient legal capacity to be bound by these Conditions of Use. It is possible that the use of certain services or the contracting of Some goods or services are subject to special complementary conditions that will require the express consent and that will prevail in any case over these general conditions.
By way of example, but not limitation, the following behaviors are considered prohibited:
- Registration of users who do not meet the legal requirements contemplated in the law or in the terms and/or in these general conditions of access to this website.
- Unauthorized use of an account without authorization from the registered user. For the protection of the user and in a proactive way we pursue the usurpation and impersonation of the identity of users.
- Provision and sending of information, content or opinions that infringe our industrial or commercial property or that of third parties.
- Supply and sending of information, which in any way violate current legislation.
- Provision and sending of false, misleading and inaccurate information.
- Provision and sending of communications about those who do not have a legitimate right to publish and communicate. By way of example, it is an impediment to communication, the duty of professional secrecy, breach of a contractual obligation, duty of confidentiality, among others.
- The use of email for sending Spam (massive sending of unsolicited emails)
- User registration
Access to our website is free and free, without registration being required for it. Registration and identification is and will only be necessary in the electronic contracting process of our products and/or services offered.
Our website allows user registration. Consequently, when creating an account, the User declares that he has or has the rights, authority necessary to subscribe as a User, veracity of the data that is incorporated and declared, and compliance with the contractual obligations contained in this document. The User agrees to keep their personal information or that of their company or organization updated, accurate and complete, to maintain the confidentiality of their access credentials and their user account, to restrict access to their user account to any third party outside the contractual relationship.
The account or accounts of the users may, in any case, be suspended, canceled or eliminated, if inaccuracy of the essential and relevant data for the contractual relationship is detected; falsity in the information that has been provided, use of third party data without authorization to do so and in cases of identity theft.
The requirements for contracting and registration, if applicable, are:
- Be of age.
- Enjoy full legal capacity
- Provide the mandatory data required in the form provided for such purposes by Ruta de la Cera S.L.
- They can register on our Website, both natural and legal persons, for this they must have a valid tax identification number.
Registered users will have an access password and must meet minimum length and security requirements. In any case, the user may modify or recover his password at any time, following the procedure provided on the website. In the event of the occurrence of any event that allows or may allow improper use of the Username and/or password, the User must immediately notify Ruta de la Cera S.L., in order to immediately suspend or cancel the account. . As long as Ruta de la Cera S.L. is not notified of the events described, it is exempt from any liability that may arise from the improper or incorrect use of passwords or identifiers by unauthorized third parties.
So that the User of Ruta de la Cera S.L. If you unsubscribe from the Website and if the existing contractual relationship has ended, you must proceed to cancel your account, without prejudice to the fulfillment of the obligations derived from the formalization of orders prior to the termination of the contractual relationship. Ruta de la Cera S.L., and the User may unilaterally decide to terminate the contractual relationship that binds them or may bind them at any time and, for no other reason than the will to terminate it.
Requested cancellation by the User, they can request a new registration and registration, however, Ruta de la Cera S.L., has the power to not admit the new registration in the cases specified in the first clause of these General Conditions; in cases where a conflict between the parties is pending resolution or the contractual relationship has been terminated with acknowledgment of fault or negligence of the user causing damage to Ruta de la Cera S.L., its potential clients or clients. And likewise Ruta de la Cera S.L., reserves the right to delete the personal data and password of those clients or users who maintain current or fulfilled contracts from which legal, fiscal obligations, unpaid balances, etc. derive.
The translated versions of the policies, terms and conditions of contracting are provided so that the User can know and understand the texts made available to them in their native language. The translations have been carried out by expert professionals and Ruta de la Cera S.L. considers them appropriate, however, errors in the translation are possible despite our control and supervision efforts. Therefore, the translated texts do not incorporate obligations and do not replace the original version of the web editor and do not display legal validity. Consequently, in case of interpretive doubts or conflicts with the original version, the latter prevails over the versions in other languages.
The person or user, company or person who acts on behalf of the User and Ruta de la Cera S.L.
Users are considered to be any natural person, of legal age and with the capacity to enter into contracts through the website who has any of the current documents for this purpose; National Identity Document, Passport, any duly accredited legal entity that browses, accesses or uses the website prior acceptance of these General Conditions of Contract. Therefore, the User who would like to buy on this Site declares to be over 18 years of age. Minors must previously obtain permission from their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be considered responsible for all acts performed by minors under their care.
The User undertakes and assumes responsibility for the correct use of the Website, in accordance with the General Conditions, public order, the law, good customs, and generally accepted morality. Therefore, it entails the sole use of the website to make legally valid purchases, not to make fraudulent or false purchases, to provide truthful information, such as name, email, bank cards, identity document, etc.
The User is warned that acquisitions or purchases made on behalf of a third party, whether a natural or legal person, without their prior authorization may constitute a crime of fraud or identity theft that may be reported to the competent authorities.
Communications and notifications
The user, by using this website, accepts that most communications with Ruta de la Cera S.L., are electronic, either through emails or notices published through the website and consent to this use of communication , recognizing that all contracts, notifications and other information requested and sent electronically comply with the legal requirements of being in writing.
The user can communicate and send notifications to Ruta de la Cera S.L., through and through the contact information provided in these General Conditions and/or through the contact spaces provided on the website. Ruta de la Cera S.L., in turn, may contact the user by any means and summon or notify them of matters of interest and, always in relation to the orders that have been requested.
- Information, purchase process and shipping conditions.
Ruta de la Cera S.L., publishes on its website, all the information in reference to its products or services that, among others, may include; name, brand, images, price, product description, availability, ratings and opinions of other users. If there is no availability of any product, Ruta de la Cera S.L. will inform the user and the economic amount paid for such product or service will be refunded.
If the consumer (User) informs that Ruta de la Cera S.L., may at any time remove or add new products on the website and that these will be governed by these Contract Conditions in force at any time.
Purchase/Acquisition of services or products
The User acknowledges and agrees to know at the time of purchase or acquisition of the products the particular conditions of each product or service made available on the website and acknowledges that at the time of making and acquiring the purchase order materializes your full acceptance of the particular conditions described in each product or service.
The acquisition or purchase process is as follows:
- The User can buy without registering or once registered and identified. In any case, the essential data for contracting will be indicated, as well as those required for compliance with the legal obligation to issue/issuance of invoices or receipts in compliance with the administrative and fiscal obligations applicable to that effect. The mandatory contracting data must be true, exact and authentic.
- The user can select the products or services and add them to the shopping cart and validate the purchase in which the products or services that have been selected appear, their price and quantity.
- The user must fill in the information requested at each step of the purchase process. At any time, the user, during the process, can modify any data of the purchase that has been entered.
- The user will expressly accept the General Conditions of Contract, by clicking on the corresponding accept box. If the User does not click on the box and does not accept the general contracting conditions, they will not be allowed to continue with the purchase process.
- The user will select the desired payment method. The website accepts and allows the following online payments:
- Bizum
- MasterCard
- American Express.
- Visa
- Paypal
After payment, the user will receive an email with the receipt or invoice detailing the content of their purchase, informing them that their purchase process has been satisfactory and confirming the acquisition/purchase within a maximum period of 24 hours. hours.
The acceptance of the General Conditions of Contract implies the acceptance of receiving invoices in electronic format, however, the user can access and download their invoice in the section provided for this purpose within the website.
Yes, the user wishes to have a receipt or invoice in physical format and not in electronic format, they may request it by sending an email to the address You must identify yourself and indicate the corresponding order and the request for the invoice in paper format.
Purchase orders made to
they are subject and conditioned to their existing availability of the services or products and/or to the fact that no force majeure event occurs that makes their supply or provision of services impossible in any way.
In the event of impossibility of delivery or provision of any service or product, Ruta de la Cera S.L., undertakes to contact the client and reimburse any amount of money that had been deposited as an amount.
Conditions and forms of payment
All services and products offered on this website are associated with a final price of the product. At the time of placing the order, the base price is broken down without territorial indirect taxes on purchases and the final price with the respective territorial tax, if applicable. The final price will always include any applicable discounts.
The prices will be shown in a common and convertible currency, in such a way that the user can make the payment in their country of residence or, instead, in currency convertible to the currency of their country. The convertibility expenses that may arise will always be borne by the merchant.
The prices of services or products may change and be modified without prior notice. These changes will never affect orders or purchases already made by the user and that have received order confirmation.
The means of payment informed and that are allowed on the website, are subject to verifications by the issuing bank or the providers of contracted means of payment. If the bank or the provider of the means of payment does not authorize the means of payment, the purchase cannot be continued and, consequently, the contract with the user cannot be formalized, for which purpose the requested order will be automatically canceled. . This clause is established in favor of the consumer and Ruta de la Cera S.L., since it allows the payment provider to prevent fraud with credit or debit cards and the crime of preventing money laundering.
Send conditions
In cases where the physical delivery of the product that has been purchased is not possible, the user may choose the form of delivery for their shipping area among different alternatives to guarantee the delivery of the product safely, being able to choose in an enunciative and never limiting, such as:
– Pick up the product at a collaborating establishment.
– Pick up the product at the place you choose.
– Shipment of the product to the postal address indicated by the user in the order form.
The user must take into account that the delivery times and the cost may vary depending on: place of destination, form of transport, holidays, etc.
5- Right of withdrawal
Through this clause, the user is informed, as a customer, that you are considered a consumer, therefore, when making a purchase on our website, the user has the right to withdraw from the purchase within a period of 14 calendar days. without the need for justification.
The withdrawal period will expire 14 calendar days from the day of the conclusion of the contract, or, as appropriate, from the day that you or a third party indicated by you, other than the carrier, acquired material possession of the goods, or from the last of those goods acquired by the same order.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, you can make use of the contact spaces provided on the website. The consumer must notify his decision to withdraw from the contract through a clear and unequivocal declaration of his withdrawal (for example, a letter sent by post, fax or email) sent to:
Ruta de la Cera S.L.
C/ Cerdanya Nave 7 P.I La Borda, 08140, Caldes de Montbui (Barcelona)
Phones: 93.688.31.07 / 620.9980.47
You also have the option of electronically completing and submitting the following withdrawal form template to , although its use is not mandatory. If you resort to this option, we will notify you without delay through the same email address of the receipt of said withdrawal.
To comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient that the communication regarding the exercise by you of this right is sent before the corresponding period expires.
Consequences of withdrawal
In case of withdrawal on your part, we will return all payments received from you, in the same way in which the user had paid; including shipping costs, no later than 14 calendar days from the date on which we are informed of your decision to withdraw from this contract. You, as a user, will receive an acknowledgment of receipt of the withdrawal, through a means that is recorded, for example, by sending an email.
The user recognizes, knows, that he must assume the direct cost of returning the products, if he incurs any.
Exceptions to the right of withdrawal:
- The services that have been completely executed or whose execution has begun provided that the consumer has previously given his consent and has been aware of its production.
- Any goods or services whose price depends on fluctuations in the financial market that the entrepreneur cannot control and that may occur during the withdrawal period.
- Goods or services that may expire or deteriorate rapidly.
- Personalized goods or services.
- Sealed goods that have been unsealed.
- Goods that, by their nature, can be mixed with others in an inseparable way without distinction.
- When the consumer has requested an urgent repair or maintenance, if the entrepreneur provides additional services to those specifically requested by the consumer or supplies goods other than the spare parts necessarily used to carry out the maintenance or repair operations, the right of withdrawal must apply to such additional services or goods.
- Daily press, publications or magazines, with the sole exception of subscription contracts for the supply of such publications.
- Alcoholic beverages, whose price has been agreed upon at the time of signing the sales contract and which cannot be delivered within 30 days and whose real value depends on market fluctuations that the entrepreneur cannot control.
- Contracts concluded through public auctions.
- Accommodation services for purposes other than housing, transportation of goods, vehicle rental, meals or services related to leisure activities, if the contracts provide for a specific date or period of execution.
- Digital content that is not provided on a material support when the execution has begun with the prior express consent of the consumer.
Guarantee on your online purchases
The guarantee in online purchases is an issue that any Internet user should know. In the case of a contract for the sale of durable consumer goods, if they present one or more non-conformities in terms of the characteristics offered or defects that prevent their normal use or utilization, or do not offer the quality or conditions described when buying it, the user ( consumer) has the right to sanitize the purchased product within 14 calendar days from the date of purchase.
That is to say, the consumer (user) will have a period of 14 calendar days from the verification of the defect to contact Ruta de la Cera S.L., through the means announced and provided on the website, informing the nature of the defect, the moment and the conditions in which the defect was found. If the product is defective, the product will be replaced, whenever possible. In any case, if it is impossible, the full amount of the purchase will be refunded and, in no case, its replacement or return will entail any expense for the user.
6- Disclaimer
The Seller (Ruta de la Cera S.L.) is exempt from liability when it has carried out the exact fulfillment of its contractual obligations and the user has a loss that does not come directly from the fulfillment and execution of the contract (by way of non-limiting example , loss of income or profits, loss of profits, increased costs, loss of contracts).
In the event that the loss is derived from the fulfillment of the contract, the contractual responsibility, the indemnification that Ruta de la Cera S.L. will pay, is limited by agreement of the parties to double the price of the acquisition or sale operation of the service or , excluding taxes levied on the operation.
Ruta de la Cera S.L., will not have any responsibility and consequently must not indemnify the user for:
- Minor differences and inaccuracies that may exist due to lack of screen resolution, problems with the browser used or other related issues of this nature.
- Damages resulting from transport malfunctions, especially due to causes such as strikes, inclement weather, road retentions, pandemics and, in general, any others typical of the sector, which may lead to delays, theft or loss of the product.
- Other indirect losses that were not reasonably foreseeable by both parties at the time the contract was formalized.
- Non-attributable causes, fortuitous events or force majeure in the process of purchase, payment, shipping and delivery of orders
- Technical failures due to fortuitous causes or of another nature, which prevent the normal operation of the service through the Internet, lack of availability of the website for maintenance reasons or others, which prevent the service from being available.
- Erroneous returns made by the user. The correct return of the product is the responsibility of the user.
- Misuse and/or wear of the products that have been used by the user.
- Non-compliance or delay in the fulfillment of the obligations assumed when the same is due to events that are beyond our reasonable control. That is to say, that they are due due to force majeure, with the obligations being suspended during the period in which the cause majeure continues. Consequently, Ruta de la Cera S.L., will have an extension in the term to comply with them in a period of time equal to the duration of the cause of force majeure.
7- Full Agreement
These general conditions and any document referred to in this document make up a full agreement between Ruta de la Cera S.L., and the user, and formalize a single contract, replacing any other pact, agreement or previous promise that may exist between the parts. Both parties acknowledge having consented to the conclusion of a contract without having relied on any promise made by the other party.
8- Protection of personal data
In accordance with the regulations on personal data protection, it is indicated that the personal data collected through the order form will be used exclusively for the management of the order.
In carrying out the same, you will have the possibility of accepting that your data be included in the Trademark Processing Activity Registry in order to facilitate the contracting of the services offered. Wax Route S.L. treats your data as Data Controller and manager of the website. The buyer guarantees that the information provided is true, being expressly responsible for the possible consequences that its cause was the falsity of said information.
The data obtained may be transferred/shared to different types of business partners involved in the execution process of the contract, for example, the carrier, the warehouse, point of sale or delivery, means of payment, as well as any other third party that intervenes in the sale process, for the purposes of fulfilling the contract with the user. The user must expressly and previously consent to the storage, processing and transfer of personal data for the sole purpose of executing the contract.
In order to keep your personal data updated, the user must report any changes that may occur with respect to them, otherwise Ruta de la Cera cannot be held responsible for its accuracy and veracity.
In the event that the user consents and also in those countries where national legislation admits the legitimate commercial interest for carrying out commercial communications, Ruta de la Cera S.L., may use the user’s contact data to communicate information of interest, offers and news about services and products. In any case, the processing of your personal data under legitimate interest will comply with the territorial privacy and consumer laws of the user’s country of residence.
Next, the User is informed of the Treatment activities carried out by Ruta de la Cera S.L.
a) Responsible for the treatment |
Identity: Ruta de la Cera S.L./NIF B66957648/Registered Office:C/ Cerdanya Nave 7 P.I. La Borda, 08140, Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona/Email and contact telephone numbers 93.688.31.07 / 620.9980.47 |
b) Purpose of the treatment |
Customer relationship management |
c) Categories of interested parties |
Clients: People with whom a commercial relationship is maintained as clients |
d) Data categories |
Those necessary for the maintenance of the commercial relationship. Billing Identification: name and surnames, NIF, postal address, telephone numbers, e-mail Bank details: for the payment of products, through the Redsys system |
e) Categories of recipients |
State Tax Administration Agency |
f) International transfers |
No international transfers are planned |
g) Deletion period |
Those provided for by tax legislation regarding the prescription of responsibilities |
h) Security measures |
Those reflected in the ANNEX SECURITY MEASURES |
Tratamiento de datos potenciales clientes
a) Responsible for the treatment |
Identity: Ruta de la Cera S.L./NIF B66957648/Registered Office:C/ Cerdanya Nave 7 P.I. La Borda, 08140, Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona/Email and contact telephone numbers 93.688.31.07 / 620.9980.47 |
b) Purpose of the treatment |
Management of the relationship with potential clients |
c) Categories of interested parties |
Potential clients: People with whom it is sought to maintain a commercial relationship as clients |
d) Data categories |
Those necessary for the commercial promotion of the company Identification: name and surnames and postal address, telephone numbers, e-mail |
e) Categories of recipients |
It is not contemplated |
f) International transfers |
No international transfers are planned |
g) Deletion period |
One year from the first contact |
h) Security measures |
Those reflected in the ANNEX SECURITY MEASURES |
Exercise of rights
The user is informed that he may exercise, free of charge and when he deems it pertinent. You can direct your communications and exercise your rights through a request to the email: completing the following rights exercise form that we put at your disposal and, putting in the email “Personal Data Protection” or through your postal address; C/ Cerdanya Nave 7 P.I. La Borda, 08140, Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona. The exercise of these rights is personal and must therefore be exercised directly by the owner of the personal data, or through their legal representative requesting it directly from The Company, indicating their personal data and the request or right they wish to exercise.
The owner of the personal data also has the right to file a claim with the control authority, in this case, the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, if he considers that he has not obtained a satisfactory solution in the exercise of his rights. ( In some cases, the request may be denied if you request that data necessary to comply with legal obligations be deleted.
You have the following rights:
- Right of access: you can request information about the personal data that we have about you.
- Right of rectification: you can communicate any change in your personal data.
- Right of deletion and to be forgotten: you can request the deletion after blocking personal data.
- Right of limitation to treatment: supposes the restriction of the treatment of personal data.
- Right of opposition: you can withdraw your consent to the processing of the data, opposing their further processing.
- Right of portability: by The Company to another controller, to the extent that it is technically possible and provided that the rights and freedoms of other people are not affected by it.
- Right to revoke consent to The Company. In the event that consent has been granted for a specific purpose (advertising exclusion, data transfer, sale prohibition) you have the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on consent. prior to his withdrawal. This revocation will in no case be retroactive.
9- Nullity and ineffectiveness of the clauses
If any clause included in these Conditions is declared totally or partially, null or ineffective, by firm administrative or legal resolution, such nullity or ineffectiveness will only affect said provision, subsisting these General Conditions in everything else, taking such provision by not included.
10- Claims.
The user can exercise complaints and claims against Ruta de la Cera S.L., using the contact details set out in the first part of these General Conditions. And the User also has the possibility of making claims through the official claim forms that are made available to consumers and users, and may be requested at any time, using the contact information provided in the first part of these General Conditions. of Recruitment.
11- Applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction
The parties expressly agree that this contract will be governed and interpreted in all its terms and conditions in the official language of the social domain of Ruta de la Cera S.L., in accordance with Spanish law.
The parties expressly submit, for any divergence or question, due to the interpretation, fulfillment and execution of this contract, to the jurisdiction and competence of the Courts and Tribunals corresponding to the domicile of the buyer or the place of fulfillment of the contractual obligation. .
If the parties were a consumer user and Ruta de la Cera S.L., the right to choose the judicial forum will correspond to the consumer user.
If the party is a user, natural or legal person with a lucrative economic interest, the designation of the judicial forum will correspond to Ruta de la Cera S.L.
- Access to personal data by unauthorized persons is not allowed. When we are absent from work, the screen is blocked or the session is closed.
- Paper documents and electronic media are stored in a secure location 24 hours a day.
- Documents or electronic media (cd, pen drives, hard drives, etc.) with personal data will not be discarded without guaranteeing their effective destruction
- No personal data or any other information of a personal nature will be communicated to third parties, paying special attention not to disclose protected personal data during telephone consultations, emails, etc.
- The duty of secrecy and confidentiality persists even when the employee’s employment relationship with the company ends.
- If personal data security violations occur, such as, for example, theft or improper access to personal data, the Spanish Data Protection Agency will be notified within 72 hours about said security violations, including any the information necessary to clarify the facts that have given rise to improper access to personal data.
- When the same computer or device is used for the processing of personal data and personal use purposes at Ruta de la Cera S.L., we have several different profiles or users for each of the purposes, keeping the professional and personal uses of the computer separate.
- Ruta de la Cera S.L., has profiles with administration rights for the installation and configuration of the system for access to personal data. This measure will prevent access privileges from being obtained or the operating system modified in the event of a cybersecurity attack.
- The existence of passwords for access to personal data stored in electronic systems will be guaranteed.
- When personal data is accessed by different people, for each person with access to personal data, there will be a specific username and password (unequivocal identification).
- At Ruta de la Cera S.L., the confidentiality of passwords is guaranteed, preventing them from being exposed to third parties.
The minimum technical measures to guarantee the safeguarding of personal data are set out below:
- UPDATE OF COMPUTERS AND DEVICES: The devices and computers used for the storage and processing of personal data will be kept up to date as far as possible.
- MALWARE: In the computers and devices where the automated processing of personal data is carried out, there will be an antivirus system that guarantees, to the extent possible, the theft and destruction of personal information and data. The antivirus system will be updated periodically.
- FIREWALL: To prevent improper remote access to personal data, care will be taken to ensure the existence of an activated and correctly configured firewall on those computers and devices where personal data is stored and/or processed.
- DATA ENCRYPTION: When it is necessary to carry out the extraction of personal data outside the premises where its treatment is carried out, either by physical means or by electronic means, the possibility of using an encryption method will be assessed to guarantee the confidentiality of personal data in case of access. misuse of information.
- SECURITY COPY: Periodically, a backup copy will be made on a second medium other than the one used for daily work. The copy will be stored in a safe place, different from the one where the computer with the original files is located, in order to allow the recovery of personal data in case of loss of information.
The security measures will be reviewed periodically, the review may be carried out by automatic mechanisms (software or computer programs) or manually.