Chips Chrysocolla

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Chrysocolla Chips: Chrysocolla, a bluish-green or greenish-blue gemstone, is an opaque mineral that forms in hydrothermal deposits. It is found in a wide range of colors, from light blue to dark green, with white or black veining. It is a relatively common mineral found throughout the world.


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Chrysocolla Chips

Chrysocolla is capable of transmitting a state of peace and tranquility, emotional and mental relaxation to the wearer.

On a physical level, chrysocolla is associated with strengthening the immune system, improving digestion and reducing inflammation. It is said that it can also relieve pain and arthritis.

In the emotional realm, chrysocolla is known for its ability to relieve stress, anxiety and depression. It is believed that it can also stimulate creativity, self-confidence and communication.

On the spiritual plane, chrysocolla is associated with connection to the spiritual world, deep meditation and openness to new ideas. It is said that it can also protect against negative energy and promote inner peace and harmony.

Weight N/A

50 g, 100 g